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Nespresso Compatible Coffee Pods

Elevating your Nespresso coffee experience with compatible coffee pods, offering unique blends that suit your taste preference

customer Testimonial

I had another meeting so i thought why not make an Iced hazelnut cinnamon latte using coffee clan Hazelnut pods. This is so flavorful this is such a huge Statement but i can safely say yours is far more Delicious and flavorful than the actual nespresso Pods.

By Meryam

Caramel is a mild-flavored pod with a perfect mix with Coffee and is great for anyone looking to make An easy iced caramel latte / hot caramel latte Without the extra hassle of adding syrups.Great experience overall.

By Ali

Coffee clan intenso has the same perfect Color and crema like nespresso pods. It has good taste and a strong bold flavour, different from nespresso But still a very close one!

By Meryam D

I really enjoyed coffee clan’s hazelnut flavoured Coffee pods. The intenso flavour was nice too as The coffee strength is really intense.think for a Hard core coffee drinker it’s perfect!

By Izza

Hi just tried the coffee sample Hazelnut flavour, they are pretty amazing. The Hazelnut flavour tasted more like a hot chocolate.

By Jasmin Bajwa

Hazelnut flavour is beyond delicious!.

By Sheza Umar

customer Testimonial

” I had another meeting so i thought why not make an Iced hazelnut cinnamon latte using coffee clan Hazelnut pods. This is so flavorful this is such a huge Statement but i can safely say yours is far more Delicious and flavorful than the actual nespresso Pods. The notes of biscuit and almond are very Prominent, sweet and velvety texture and just the Overall roundness and depth. Amazing! I just added some cream & sugar free cinnamon syrup With ice. This has to be my favorite”.


“Caramel is a mild-flavored pod with a perfect mix with Coffee and is great for anyone looking to make An easy iced caramel latte / hot caramel latte Without the extra hassle of adding syrups.Great experience overall”.


“Coffee clan intenso has the same perfect Color and crema like nespresso pods. It has good taste and a strong bold flavour, different from nespresso But still a very close one!”.

Maryam D

” I really enjoyed coffee clan’s hazelnut flavoured Coffee pods. The intenso flavour was nice too as The coffee strength is really intense.think for a Hard core coffee drinker it’s perfect!”


“Hi just tried the coffee sample Hazelnut flavour, they are pretty amazing. The Hazelnut flavour tasted more like a hot chocolate”.

Jasmin Bajwa

“Hazelnut flavour is beyond delicious!”.

Sheza Umar

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